Earn passive income based on current mining profitability
Interest rates are determined by current crypto mining profitability, electricity rates and mining hardware market prices. We do the hard part of getting the best mining profitability, we do the hardware setup and maintenance, you can sit back and earn a part of the profit from mining.

What is the locked staking period?
You can stake from 180 days up to 360 days, you can choose to get monthly transfers from your interest, after the staking period has passed you will get your deposit back and will have already gained your staking interest. You will not be able to take out the deposit before the selected locked period has ended.

What crypto currencies we mine?
We focus on mining the most profitable currencies on 6 months periods.

How are deposits determined?
Deposits are based on current gpu cards market prices, the average period of time to reimburse graphic cards with current mining profitability is 6 months. You can get payouts on Binance, Coinbase, Crypto.com, Revolut, IBAN in ETH, BTC, USD, EUR, CHF.

Blockchain developer, crypto investor and tech savvy. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize how society works, mining is the engine behind the consensus algorithm.